“We cannot explain the development of…subjectivity apart from its social context”
The Colonisation of Psychic Space - A Psychoanalytic Social Theory of Oppression // Kelly Oliver
I work with students of counselling and psychotherapy who want to integrate material from other disciplines into their studies, to address the social context in which they and their clients are situated
To discuss the complex dynamics of voicing your critiques, concerns, and questions about social context in therapy and counselling
To resources, and support to find and explore your own
With reading and understanding texts, preparing for assignments, cultivating a practice of independent study to support your development in a direction that aligns with your values, interests and experiences
Get in touch via email
Let me know more about what you are looking for by filling in a pre-session questionnaire and having a free 20-minute consultation call
We will discuss whether I am a good fit for what you need, and make a plan for how we might work together to ensure you get as much as possible from the sessions
Sessions are 60-minutes, 90-minutes, or 2-hours
On Zoom
You can book a one-off session, or several, depending on your needs and budget
If booking multiple sessions, these will be discounted and can be spaced out throughout the semester or academic year to suit your needs
60-minutes // £40
90-minutes // £60
2-hours // £75
The fee is payable unless 48 hours’ notice is given for cancellations. Wherever possible, I will try to offer the chance to rearrange at an alternative time
Where multiple sessions are booked in advance a discount will be applied - please get in touch to discuss options
Members of The Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-Oppressive Practice - which includes the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and National Counselling Society (NCS) - recognise the need for substantial changes to be made in the way counselling and psychotherapy training is delivered.
From the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP): “The way things are right now is causing significant distress to minoritised groups…” “We are aware that current curricula may not be as reflective of the trainees in UKCP and inclusive enough to effectively prepare them to work with a wide range of service users from diverse and marginalised groups. We believe that a comprehensive review of training texts, books and information shared with trainees should take place…” (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce - Introductory Statement, 2022)
While the need for change is recognised, the extent to which training organisations are equipped to implement such change varies widely. In practice, the process can be slow, clumsy, and even distressing for students. This is particularly challenging on courses that involve substantial self-disclosure, group work with complex dynamics, and assignments that require the inclusion of personal material while not necessarily being matched by a curriculum and resources that speak to experiences of social marginalisation.
Independently integrating material from other disciplines played a significant role in my experience of psychotherapy training. For my final project and dissertation I researched this process, producing a critical autopsychography combining autotheory with critical analysis. Examples of the kinds of material I drew on included: Critical Theory, poetry, Black Studies, music, Social Psychoanalysis, art, Psychosocial Studies, literature, Queer Theory, Affect Theory, Philosophy, Sociology, and Feminist Theory. I remain committed to discussing why such integration is essential to an ethical practice of therapy and counselling - one that accounts for the effect of social conditions on our own and our clients’ lives.
I was awarded Master of Science (MSc) Integrative Psychotherapy, Distinction. I am engaged in ongoing independent study around the inseparability of social and psyche, inside and outside the therapy room.
Teaching and facilitation experience includes one-on-one and small group workshops, skills groups, presentations, and psychoeducation sessions.